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TEIRAVON What stories will you discover?
And what mark will you leave?







On Steam Now! Teiravon is built on the Legends of Aria game platform.
It is now available free on Steam or you can sign up directly
on the Legends of Aria Classic website.

“Discover a world forged by players, where your choices
write the story. From seasoned Mage to ambitious
Warrior, from adventurous Treasure Hunter to skilled
Blacksmith, choose your path and experience Legends of Aria
on your own terms.”
Free on Steam Sign up at Legends of Aria Website

Ultima Online We also have a Teiravon UO Shard if that's more your thing!
Our server has been running since 1999. The "Teiravon 2"
codebase is a fan favorite of other Ultima Shards!

TEIRAVON Teiravon is a role-playing server with a long and storied history.
Our journey began in 1999 as a privately run Ultima Online shard.
Over the years we evolved and grew. We enjoyed a strong playerbase
and made a mark within the Ultima private shard community with a
reputation as a unique and popular RP-PVP server.

Time passes and platforms evolve. In June of 2015, some of the old guard
administrators and developers for Teiravon came to find Shards Online.
It was a platform that we felt could take the Teiravon story further
in a more modern environment. It was not lost on us that key
developers for Shards Online also came from the Ultima Online universe.
We saw within Shards Online a new place that we could call home that
seemed to share our same ambitions where it concerns delivering an
immersive experience for our community.

Teiravon is currently in a state of development (along with the game itself),
and we encourage the community to offer feedback and suggestions.
Teiravon has always had a philosophy of players first
and that tradition will continue in this incarnation.