Necrolurges have experimented with the dark side of crystal manipulation. They utilize power in a way that can reanimate bodies to do their bidding.



Innate Class Ability – Summon Undead Servant
Call Damned:
Summons the damned to help you, this is restricted base upon level.
Level 1 – Skeleton
Description: A weaker undead servant that can equip certain items.
• Can wear armor, and use weapons.
• Can go stealth, and sneak attack if given a dagger.
• Can use combat abilities
• Uses taunt, to keep enemies away from you.
Level 7 – Ghoul
Description: An undead servant that can take a beating and is resistant.
• Uses taunt to keep enemies away from you.
• Has a higher health pool to help tank better.
Level 13 – Skull
Description: A flying skull not to be messed with that attacks from a distance, has low health but does good damage.
• Casts Teleport and Fireball
Level 17 – Spectre
Description: Summons a specter with a scythe.
• High Damage – Low health
• Turns invisible while not in combat.
(Note: Your servants will be attacked by the guards if they are seen.)
Necrolurgy Abilities:
Level 2 – Consuming Shadows
Damage Type: Darkness
Type: Spell
Description:Places a damage over time effect upon the target, and causing it to be slowed.
Level 3 – Siphon Essence
Damage Type: Magical / Leeching
Type: Spell
Description: Directly damages the enemy and heals you for the damage amount.
Level 5 – Necrotic Rejuvenation
Type: Spell
Description:Heals your pet
Level 7 – One with Death
Type: Spell
Description: Turns you into a skeleton, drains life and restores mana.
Level 7 – Plague
Type: Spell
Damage Type: Disease
Description: Places a disease upon the target causing them to rot from the inside out dealing damage over time.
Level 10 – Fear
Type: Spell
Description: Fears the target making it run away for a certain amount of time.
Level 11 – Combustion
Type: Spell
Damage Type: Fire
Description: Causes direct damage to the target, if the target is humanoid they will combust into a skeleton and receive a small damage over time spell effect until they return to normal.
Level 13 – Vampiric Curse
Type: Spell
Damage Type: Magical /leeching
Description: Places a magical damage over time effect upon the target causing them damage and healing you for the damage done.
Level 15 – Corpse Explosion
Type: Spell
Damage Type: Magical
Description: Causes a corpse to explode dealing damage to those within the blast radius, also places a long but weak dot upon the target.
Level 17 – Shade Step
Type: Spell
Description: Lets you step into the world of the shade and turn invisible while draining mana.
Level 17 – Envenom
Type: Spell
Damage Type: Poison
Description: Places a dot upon the target that ticks less often, but does more damage.
Level 20 – Specter Form
Type: Spell
Description: Turns you into a specter draining health for mana, this spell is more efficient than the skeleton forum but does not give you as much mana in return.