Thief, pick-pocket, lock-breaker, and all around shadow rat. To accomplish his goals, for good or ill, the rogue is sometimes a skilled pilferer, other times a master of shadows trained in discreet and efficient murder, relying on anonymity and surprise to perform his task. Cunning, nimbleness, and stealth are his hallmarks. Whether he turns his talent against innocent passers-by and wealthy merchants or oppressors and monsters is a choice for the rogue to make.
Rogues are a diverse class that contains everything from dexterous thieves, to treasure-hunters, to assassins. Masters of stealth and infiltration, Rogues prefer to attack when their opponent is least aware. They are quick but fragile, unable to take heavy damage, and instead rely on their speed to dodge attacks and slip in and out of the shadows to catch their opponent off guard; setting traps and inflicting stealth attacks on foes to give them the edge. Outside of battle, the rogue has a wide range of helpful skills such as lock-picking to allow them to open locked doors and treasure chests or the ability to detect and disarm traps. Some can even steal items directly from enemies allowing the player to obtain items that otherwise might be unobtainable.



Current Abilities:
Rank 1
Wound – Archery 40 – Wound your target, slowing them by 70% for 3 seconds. 0.5 second cast time.
Dart – Piercing 40 – Increase movement speed by 30% for 5 seconds.
Rank 2
Evasion – Piercing 60 – Increase evasion by 10 for 7 seconds.
Stun Shot – Stun your target for 5 seconds, 3 seconds for players.
Rank 3
Vanish – Instantly hide. Removes all player debuffs.
Hunter’s Mark – Archery 80 – Mark your target, preventing them from hiding/cloaking and increases all bow damage received by 9.99% for 30 seconds.
Piercing Skill 20 – Instant weapon swing with 50 extra attack, must be behind target and wielding a dagger.
Piercing Skill 50 – Instant weapon swing with 70 extra attack, must be behind target and wielding a dagger.
Piercing Skill 80 – Instant weapon swing with 90 extra attack, must be behind target and wielding a dagger.
Archery Skill 20 – 100% chance to hit, attack increased by 80 for the shot. 4 second cast.
Archery Skill 50 – 100% chance to hit, attack increased by 120 for the shot. 3.5 second cast.
Archery Skill 70 – 100% chance to hit, attack increased by 160 for the shot. 3 second cast.
Work-in-Progress Abilities:
Level 1 – Trained Killer
Type: Passive
The Rogue gains a damage bonus when using daggers.
Level 2 – Shadow Strike
Type: Instant
While stealthed, step through the shadows and stab your opponent in the back.
Shadow Perk: Causes shadow strike to stun for 4 seconds..
Level 5 – Thieves Knowledge
Type: Passive
When killing humanoids you have a 1 in 3 chance of finding hidden loot on them.
Level 7 – Sneak Attack
Type: Passive
The Rogue deals 2x damage when behind a target.
Level 8 – Quick Step
Type: Instant
Causes you to move behind an opponent in an instant while they are in melee range to allow for a sneak attack.
Shadow Perk: Turns into Shadow Step; allows you to use quick step from a distance. With the added ability of for 20 seconds after you use it to get behind someone you can press the ability again and teleport back to the location you started from.
Level 10 – Shadow Cloak
Type: Instant
Covers the rogue in shadows causing him to gain 1.5x damage bonus for 20 seconds. Also alters some Rogue abilities imbuing them with shadows. 1 min CD. See “Shadow Perks” on other abilities to see what Shadow Cloak adds to the abilities.
Level 13 – Shiv
Type: Instant
Shivs the target causing them to take bleeding damage over 15 seconds, prevents regeneration for 20 seconds.
Shadow Perk: Allows you to dodge with out the Stamina Regeneration Penalty
Level 15 – Evasion
Type: Instant
Doubles your dodge chance for 15 seconds, than reduces stamina regeneration by 50% for 5 seconds. 1 Min CD
Shadow Perk: Reduces healing done to the target by 50% for 20 seconds.
Level 17 – Cheat Death
Type: Triggered
A killing blow that would normally -kill you- instead just reduces your health down to 20, you will be unable to proc this ability again for another 5 minutes.
Level 20 – Shadow Dance
Type: Instant
Your mastery of shadows has been completed, once every 5 minutes you can step through the shadows and stab every enemy in the back in the area for major damage.