
Humanity as a whole is oft maligned. They are seen as a reckless blight upon the land; warlike and seeming to lack a conscience. Such judgments are unfair however, for humanity’s fragile existence is the of root its woes. They are a vibrant flame that burns brightly for a short while – and then is quenched in the rains of time.

Abandoned cities, lost technology, forgotten lore . . . all these things lie within the mystique of the Malán.
The enigmatic, the stalwart…Malán have been intertwined somehow with nearly every history written or otherwise, and yet so much still remains to be learned about them.


Draven are a race short in stature, this cannot be denied. It is easy to dismiss them within this context, yet look at the marvels that they have created throughout the world. They are prideful, building massive ships and wooden structures, monuments to those of their number that achieved great things within in their lifetimes.
And why should they not build such things? They bring forth riches from the world unseen and long forgotten. Able bodied, they are fierce warriors and allies with a deep sense of loyalty for those they call friends. Dismiss or underestimate the Draven at your own peril.
